Department of Organic Chemistry and Institute of Cosmos Science (ICC),
Universitat de Barcelona (IEEC-UB) c. Martí i Franquès 1, E- 08028-Barcelona Catalonia, Spain
Phone: +34 (0)93 4021251; Fax: +34 (0)93 3397878 E-mail:
报告题目:Effects of Flows in Auto-Organization, Self-Assembly and Emergence of Chirality
报告人:Prof. Dr. Josep M. Ribó
Josep M. Ribó was born in Barcelona in 1940. He studied Chemistry at the University of Barcelona, where he got a PhD in 1968 and went on to be made a Full Professor in 1989. Between 1988 and 1991 he was President of the Catalan Society of Chemistry, and Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry between 2003 and 2006. He has recently been nominated Emeritus Professor at the University of Barcelona.
Research interests:
Recently the activity of the group has been focused on the study of chirality in chemical systems using the methods of experimental organic chemistry used in previous research topics (the chemistry and properties of pyrrole pigments). Currently, the group has the following objectives:
1. Supramolecular chirality in self-assembling processes of amphiphilic organic compounds. Study of the aggregation processes in systems of hierarchical self-
organization that undergo spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking.
2. Systems of reactions that can be justified according to the Frank model: The search and study of organic reactions that undergo mirror symmetry breaking
in a similar way to the Soai reaction.
3. Effects of chiral polarizations in the systems of the previous sections. The study of the effect of chiral polarization forces in processes that undergo chiral
symmetry breaking.
4. Emergency of chirality in abiotic processes that generate organic compounds.